Speciality User Account Request This field is hidden when viewing the formUsernameThis field is hidden when viewing the formEmail Requested by(Required)Only the person directly responsible for the user or application should be requesting an account. If you are not the person supervising or managing the user/account, you should log out and have the supervisor login and complete this form. If your login and "Requested By" do not match, the request will not be processed. First Last Account Category Academic Tutor Contractor Intern Other Temp Workers School Resource Officer School Board Member Server/Application Use Other, please specify below Other, please specifyUser InformationName of User(Required) First Last Start Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY End Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Location(Required)Select OneAMCHSCSHSCVHSAMCMSCSMSWMSCypress GrovePecan TrailOakwoodCollege HillsCreek ViewForest RidgeGreens PrairiePebble CreekRiver BendRock PrairieSouth KnollSouthwood ValleySpring CreekBarbara Bush Parent CenterCentral OfficeAlternative EducationAthletics/Student ActivitiesBusiness ServicesChild NutritionCommunicationsCommunity EducationCurriculum & InstructionEducation FoundationFacilitiesHead StartHuman ResourcesPurchasingSpecial ServicesSpecial ProgramsStudent ServicesTechnologyTransportationEmail Address(Required)Please enter a valid email address for the user. This cannot be the requestor's email address. It must be an email address where the user can receive emails regarding their account. Access Rights(Required)Select only the access that a user must have in order to perform the required job functions. A signed Acceptable Use Policy must be submitted to the technology dept before access rights are enabled. You can upload a scanned copy of a signed AUP (If you have one) below. Please forward the original to the director of technology in inner-campus mail. Google Drive Google Mail Shared drive (Specify drive name below) eSchool Admin NWEA/MAP PS Professional Learning TAC Other (Specify Below) Shared Drive(s)Input the name of the shared drives the account should be able to access. For multiple drives, click the "+" to add a new line. Add RemoveOther Access NeededPlease list each application the user needs access to on a separate line. Add lines by clicking the "+" Add RemoveI agree to all of the following:(Required) I agreeI will contact the technology department immediately should the account need to be terminated prior to the above end date. I have a copy of the district's Acceptable Use Policy signed by the above named user. I have requested the most restrictive access necessary for the user to fulfill the job requirements. Server/Application AccountsDevice or Application Using The AccountRequested UsernameDescription of account neededInclude the name of the service/application using the account and the rights the account requiresLink to documentation Documentation UploadIf the documentation is available in a separate file, please upload it. Max. file size: 4 GB.